Thursday, 28 December 2017

Staff Profile


Name of the teacher               :     Dr.K.SATHYA BAMA
Department                             :      Commerce
Qualification                           :      M.Com., Ph.D., M.Sc. (Applied astrology)
Designation                            :      Associate Professor
Institution                               :       A.P.C.MahalaxmiCollege for women, Tuticorin
Date of birth                            :      18.2.1961
Year of experience                  :       UG about 30 years
                                                         PG : 2 Years
Date of retirement                    :      28.2.2019
Subject specialization               :  Financial Accounting, Corporate Accounting




Madurai Kamaraj
April 1981
Madurai Kamaraj
April 1983
Dec 2003
May 2008
M.Sc.(Applied Astrology)
Sep 2010

Books published                   :       2



Advertising management
Apr 2009
Sep 2009

Details of M.Phil. / Ph.D. Awarded
M.Phil.                   -         3 awarded
Ph.D.                      -         2 awarded
                                          6 pursuing
Guided                    -       1 M.B.A. project

Research paper published in journal     :      12
1.      Published an article titled ‘Interest subvention to exporters’ in the journal banking finance in the year 2009 published by S.K.Agarwala, Calcutta-volume XXII No.10 october 2009,  ISSN – 0971-4498. Page no.20.
2.      Published an article titled ’Inflation and Indian economy’ in the journal business and economic facts for you in the year 2009, published by facts for you EFY-Delhi-Volume 30no.3 december 2009, ISSN-0970-2652. Page no.28.
3.      Published an article titled ‘Brand preference of the consumers in buying packageddrinking water’ in the E-Journal- Research journal of commerce and behavioral science in the year 2013- Volume 02 ,No.11, Sep 2013, ISSN-2251-1547.
4.      Published an article titled ‘Impact of packaged drinking water on health and water-borne diseases’ in the E-Journal- Research journal of social science and management in the year 2013- Volume 03, No.05, Sep 2013, ISSN-2251-1571.
5.      Published an article titled ‘A Study on Consumer’s Attidude and Opinion on Services offered by the Departmental Stores in Thoothukudi’, in the E-Journal- in the year 2016- jan 2016 , ISBN-978-81-9300247-6.
6.      Published an article titled ‘Women Empowerment through SHGs’.
7.       Published an article titled ‘A Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Internet Banking Services in Thoothukudi’, Innovative Banking Services- peer reviewed, ISBN-978-93-84734-39-8.
8.      Published an article titled ‘Customer satisfaction on Value Added Services in Commercial Banks in Thoothukudi’, Peer reviewed , ISBN-978-93-84734-39-8.
9.      Published an article titled ‘Women Empowerment and its Impact on Self Help Group’, in the Journal Indo Asian Journal of Advanced Management in the year 2016- ISSN-2250-1266.
10.  Published an article titled ‘Stress Management in the Banking Sector’ in the Enrich Journal- in the year 2017.
11.  Published an article titled ‘A Study on Work Life Balance of Women Teachers in Thoothukudi’, in the Enrich Journal- in the year 2017.
12.  Published an article titled ‘A Study on Job Satisfaction of Women Police in Thoothukudi’,  in the Enrich Journal- in the year 2017.
Research paper published in conference proceedings    : 7
1.     Published an article titled ‘Behavioral change of consumers in purchasing and using package drinking water’ in International journal of Functional management in the year 2014-Volume 02,Apr 2014 ISSN-2319-1406.
2.     Published an article titled ‘ Real estate investment in India- compelling opportunity’ in Trends and perspectives in management research in the year 2015- Volume II, Feb 2015 ISBN-978-81-910601-0-2. Pg. No.182 published by Shanlax publications, Madurai.
3.     Published an article titled‘ Self Help Group And Women Empowerment’ in Enrich research journal in the year 2015- Volume VI(II), Jan- June 2015 ISSN-2319-6394. Pg. No. 88.
4.     Published an article titled‘ Women Empowerment and its impact on SHG’s’ in Indo-Asian Journal of advanced managementin the year 2015- Volume V(I), Jan- June 2015 ISSN-2250-1266. Pg. No. 1-6.
5.     Published an article titled‘ a study on women entrepreneur of small state industries in Tirunelveli district’ in the proceedings creating entrepreneurship awareness among SHG’s members in Tirunelveli district- Tamilnadu in the year -feb 2015 ISSN-978-93-80686-29-5 pg no 176-184 published by Shanlax publications,  Madurai.
6.     Published an article titled ‘ Transformation leadership’ in the peer reviewed conference proceedings M- Infinity Journal of Management October 2015 ISSN-0973-7197
Vol:8 no 2.
7.     Published an article titled ‘ Micro- finance and Political Empowerment of Women through SHGs’ in the conference ‘Economic Empowerment of Women through Entrepreneurship problems and Propects’ ISBN-978-81-92808-8-8

Paper presented in International Conference: 2
1.     Presented paper on the topic ‘Growing Service Industry’ in an International Conference on International Challenges of Global Business in the 21St Century organized by the department of Commerce Rev. Jacob Memorial Christian College, Ambilikkai,Dindugal on 4th&5thfeb 2009.
2.     Presented paper on the topic ‘Waste management’ in an International Conferenceon  Globalization- Impact, Challenges &Opportunities organized by Department of Commerce & Economics St. Joseph’s College of Arts and Science, Cuddalore on 14th& 15th march 2008.

Paper presented in the National Seminar / Workshop / Conference: 5
1. Presented paper on the topic ‘financial Inclusion and SHGs’in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Multilevel Interventions for Financial Inclusion:Imperatives for Human Development and SustainableGrowthheld on 9- 10 February 2012 at St. Xavier CollegePalayamkottai.
      2. Presented paper on the topic ‘ Indian women in Enterpreneurial World’ in the National conference on Role of empowered Women in Empowering Women held on 12-13 March 2009 by the department of economics at Sarah tucker College Tirunelveli.   
3. Presented paper on the topic’ Management strategies to overcome the economic Melt Down’ in the national seminar organized by the department of Management Studies, Francis Xavier Engineering College Tirunelveli on 17.4.2009.
      4. Presented paper on the topic’ Elections- 2004 And the Impact of the results in Social, Economic and State structure’in the national seminar on Polity, Politics, Public opinion and Common Good organized by the department of commerce, St. Xavier College Palayamkottai on 3rd&4th mar 2005.
      5. Presented paper on the topic ‘Ancient Commerce – India’ in the national conference on Ancient Science and Archaeology organized by Sri Parasakthi College for women on 7th – 9th March 2003.
Paper presented in the State/regional level Seminar - 2
1.. Presented paper on the topic ‘Emerging Trends in Recent Years in Retailing in India’ in UGC sponsored  state level seminar on emerging trends in Indian Retail trade organized by The Department of commerce, SadakathullahAppa College, Tirunelveli. 
      2.  Presented paper on the topic ‘Industrialisation and Pollution Control’in the UGC Regional level seminar on enquiry about Industrialisation paving the way for Urbanisationorganized by the Department of economics , Popes College, Sawyerpuram.

Seminar / Workshop / Conference attended -12
1.     Participated  in the  Seminar on Environmental Studies for college teachers  sponsored by Tamilnadu state Council for science and technology Chennai and NCSIC New Delhi organized by the Nature Club, St.john’s College,Palayamkottai. On 10th and 11th February 2005.
2.     Participated  in the  workshop on Application of Appropriate Statistical tools in Management Researchorganized by Department of Management Studies , ManonmaniamSundaranar University,Tirunelveli on 4th April 2009.
3.     Participated  in the  workshop on Skill Based subjects –Personality Development and Effective Communicationorganized by ManonmaniamSundaranar University,Tirunelveliat V.O.C College on 14th& 15th Dec 2009l
4.     Participated  in the  Oneday Awareness Program on Career Guidance & Empowerment of Differently Abled Persons organized by ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Tirunelveli on 30th March 2012.
5.     Participated  in the  ‘two day skill-based training program on e-LITERACY conducted by ICT Academy of Taminadu held at A.P.C.Mahalaxmi College for Women on 10th& 11th Sep 2011.
6.     Participated in the one day zonal level YRC Seminar at M.S. University on 5.2.2016
7.     Participated in the university level workshop conducted by youth welfare department M.S. University on 18.3..2016
8.     Attended Lecture-cum-Demo ‘ Redesigning pedagogy for the digital learners: What, Why, and How’ organised by IQAC A. P. C. Mahalaxmi college for women on 27. 1.2015
9.     Attended Orientation Programme –Zonal level organised by District YRC at M.S.University on 30.1.2017
10.           Attended National level workshop on Women harassment organised by Department of commerce M.S.University on 18.2.2017
11.           Attended National Conference on ‘Demonetization and cashless economy’ organised by Department commerce A.P.C.Mahalaxmi college for women on 2.3.2017.
12.           Attened workshop on ‘SPSS IN Commerce and Management Research’ organised by Department commerce A.P.C.Mahalaxmi college for women on 29.12.2016 and 30.12.2016. 

Refresher Course attended
1.      AttendedRefresher Course on ‘Indian Capital Market’conducted by the Academic Staff College Bharathiar University, Coimbatore from 7.8.1996 to 27.8.1996.
2.      Attended Refresher Course on ‘Business Information Systems & Computer Applications to Business conducted by the Academic Staff College, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai from 5.3.1997 to 25.3.1997.
3.      Attended Refresher Course on ‘Globalization of Indian Business’conducted by the Academic Staff College, Madurai Kamaraj University, and Madurai from 10.7.2003 to 30.7.2003.
4.      Attended Refresher Course on ‘Corporate Secretaryship’conducted by the Academic Staff College, Alagappa University, Karaikudi from 25.10.2004 to 16.11.2004.

1.Business Environment for I.B.Com, Annamalai University (D.E) on 10.1.2004 & 11.1.2004.
 2.Human Resource Management for I.M.Com, Annamalai University (D.E) on 1.5.2004 & 2.5.2004.

1.      Banking law and practice, Thiyagaraja College Madurai
2.      Cost Accounting, P.S.G.R.Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore.
3.      Business Communication, P.S.G.R.Krishnammal College forWomen, Coimbatore.
4.      Business Accounting, Arulmigu Palani Andavar College, Palani.
5.      Advertisement and Salesmanship,M.S.University,Tirunelveli.
Role in college activities

1.      Incharge of Music club from the year 2005 till date – Responsible for training the choir students on various occasion arise both inside and outside the college like competition outside the college,meetings inside the college etc.
2.      Incharge of maintaining Students (Arts) proficiency record from 2005-2008.
3.      Public Relation officer (PRO) from 2009-2011
4.      Coordinator of Career Guidance Cell from 2011 till date. Arranged entrepreneurship training to the students in the field of jewelry makingand aari works.
5.      Maintaining students discipline
6.      Coordinator – YRC and Rotaract

Role in the Department
1.      Maintaining Students Bio-Data
2.      Class in charge – III B.Com
3.      Preparing Self Study Report –Criterion II & III
4.      Maintaining Students Community-wise record
5.      Maintaining record of Fresher’s test, students orientation program,student teaching students program ,assignment ,Group discussion inside the class.

TUTICORIN – 628008                                                                                              

B.COM. - St.Mary’s college, Tuticorin
M.COM. - V.O.C.College, Tuticorin
M.PHIL. - M.S.U.Education centre, Tuticorin
 PH.D.    -  V.O.C.College, Tuticorin
M.B.A   -  M.S.U.Distance education, Tirunelveli
                  Pursuing (2016...)

Year                :  Two and half year
Designation    :  Lecturer in Commerce with Computer Application in one year and
                           Asst.Prof. in commerce                                        
Institution       :  A.P.C.Mahalakshmi College for Women, Tuticorin

·         “Impact of Human Resource Practises on Job Satisfaction” in Annamalai University
·         “Quality of Work Life in Today’s Era” in Sri Sairam Institute of Management Studies

·         “Employees Job Satisfaction – A Micro Study” in Outreach journal
·         Performance Appraisal of Employees by Indian Corporates in SAJMMR
·         Service Quality of Banks: A Comparative Study of Private and Public Sector Banks in Thoothukudi District of Tamilnadu

·         Creativity and Innovation-An Inevitable Path to Corporate Success-National Seminar, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai
·         Participated in two days National Level Workshop on 'Shill - India -Employable Young India' at  A.P.C. Mahalaxhmi College for Women, Tuticorin on 10th & 11th December 2015..
·          Attended Lecture Cum - Demo 'Redesigning Pedagogy for the Digital Learnes' What , Why and How. at  A.P.C. Mahalaxhmi College for Women, Tuticorin.
·         Participated in oneday State Leve Seminar on 'E-Commerce Security Challenges and Solutions' at A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women on 16th October 2017.
·         Participated in oneday Shill Training for "Youth on Businesss Communication Management" at Wavoo Wajeeha Women's College, Kayalpatnam on 3rd August 2017.
·         Attended oneday Workshop on 'Counselling for Happiness' held at A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women, Tuticorin on 8th December 2017.

·         A Study of Consumer Behaviour on Buying Tooth Paste in Tuticorin
(Period in 2004-2006)

·         A Study of Banking Service of ICICI Bank at Tuticorin
(Period in 2007-2008)

Applications                      :  MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS- Access, MS-Power Point,
                                               MS-Front Page, Internet / Web Page Creation,
                                               Accounting Package Tally 7.2

·         “Impact of Human Resource Practises on Job Satisfaction” in Annamalai University
·         “Quality of Work Life in Today’s Era” in Sri Sairam Institute of Management Studies

·         “Employees Job Satisfaction – A Micro Study” in Outreach journal

·         Performance Appraisal of Employees by Indian Corporates in SAJMMR

·         Service Quality of Banks: A Comparative Study of Private and Public Sector Banks in Thoothukudi District of Tamilnadu

·         Creativity and Innovation-An Inevitable Path to Corporate Success-National Seminar, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai
·         Participated in two days National Level Workshop on 'Shill - India -Employable Young India' at  A.P.C. Mahalaxhmi College for Women, Tuticorin on 10th & 11th December 2015..
·          Attended Lecture Cum - Demo 'Redesigning Pedagogy for the Digital Learnes' What , Why and How. at  A.P.C. Mahalaxhmi College for Women, Tuticorin.
·         Participated in oneday State Leve Seminar on 'E-Commerce Security Challenges and Solutions' at A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women on 16th October 2017.
·         Participated in oneday Shill Training for "Youth on Businesss Communication Management" at Wavoo Wajeeha Women's College, Kayalpatnam on 3rd August 2017.
·         Attended oneday Workshop on 'Counselling for Happiness' held at A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women, Tuticorin on 8th December 2017.

·         A Study of Consumer Behaviour on Buying Tooth Paste in Tuticorin
(Period in 2004-2006)

·         A Study of Banking Service of ICICI Bank at Tuticorin
(Period in 2007-2008)

Applications                      :  MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS- Access, MS-Power Point,

                                              MS-Front Page, Internet / Web Page Creation,

                                             Accounting Package Tally 7.2

Assistant professor
Department of Commerce (un-aided)
A.P.C.Mahalaxmi College for Women, Thoothukudi.
Date of joining            : 01 July 2013
Education                    : M.Com, S.L.E.T., M.Phil, D.G.T.,Ph.D.,

Education &credentials
College/ University
University Rank
Manonmaniamsundaranar University -Tirunelveli
M. Phil
Manonmaniamsundaranar University – Tirunelveli
May 2003
Bharathiyar University – Coimbatore
August 2002
St. Mary’s College- Thoothukudi

April 2000
St. Mary’s College- Thoothukudi

April 2000
St. Mary’s College- Thoothukudi

April 1998

Kamaraj College
A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women
Working since July 2013

Ph.D. Thesis:
1.      A study on Jewellery industry in Tamil Nadu.

1. A study on Advertising Slogans of Select Consumer Products and Consumer Behavior with reference to Tuticorin town.

Papers Presented in seminars / Conferences and publication of articles in proceedings:

1.      “ Social Responsibility and Ethics towards  Societal Development” in a National Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility Ethics At Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 21st September 2007.
2.      “Role of SIPCOT in Entrepreneurship Development” in a national conference on Emerging  Entrepreneurship Strategies for  Self Employment and Skill Development at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil on 12thDecember 2008.
3.      “ Trend in Priority Sector Advances Management”in the Proceedings of the International Seminar on Emerging Dimensions of Banking Sector in the Global Scenario by the Department of Commerce , ManonmaniamSundaranar University during 21 & 22 January 2011.
4.      Published a paper titled, “Customers’ preferences and satisfaction towards jewellery marts in southern districts of Tamil Nadu” in the Indian Journal of Research in 2015.
5.      Published a paper titled,“ A study on occupational and economic background of women entrepreneurs in Thoothukudi City” in the Indian Journal of Applied Research in 2017.
6.      Published  paper titled, “ Advertising slogan- It’s emphasis and significance in marketing” in International Research Journal of Management and Commerce in 2017.

Workshops attended:
·         Attended a two day “ Statistical Analysis and Interpretation using SPSS and AMOS” at VHNSN  College in 2013.
·         Participated in one day workshop on “ Women Empowerment through Employment and workplace behavior” at M.S.University in 2016.
·         Participated in the one day orientation cum workshop for placement officers at M.S.University in 2016.
·         Participated in the one day workshop on “SPSS in commerce and management research” at  A.P.CMahalaxmi College for Women in 2016.
·         Organizing member of the one day national level workshop, “Empowering Youth for employment”    Organized by the Career Guidance cell of A.P.C.Mahalaxmi College for Women in 2016.
·         Attended the three days workshop on “ CBSE  NET/SLET Examinations – 2017” at M.S University in 2017.


P. Solai Rama Sri M.Com., M.Phil                                
34/1 Subba Street,
Cell no: 9942887511
Details of Educational Institutions
University board
Year of passing
Percentage with CA
A.P.C Mahalaxmi College
Manonmaniam Sundaranar university
St. Mary’s college
Manonmaniam Sundaranar university
St. Mary’s college
Manonmaniam Sundaranar university

Project Work Details
B.Com with C.A  
Group Project Title – A Study on Sales And Profit of Hero Moto crop
Project Title - A Study On Buying Behaviour Of Students   
                        Towards Vkc Pride Footwear In Thoothukudi
Dissertation Title – A Study on Consumers’ Buying Behaviour Towards the                purchase of Various Products  of Pepsi (Soft Drinks) Brand in Thoothukudi.
Date of Joining : 16.06.2016
Year                  :  One of half year
Designation      :  Assistant Professor in commerce                                                          
Institution         :  A.P.C.Mahalaxmi College for Women, Tuticorin.
Seminar / Workshop / Conference attended
1.      Attended National level workshop on Women harassment organised by Department of commerce M.S.University on 18.2.2017
2.     Attended National Conference on ‘Demonetization and cashless economy’ organised by Department commerce A.P.C.Mahalaxmi college for women on 2.3.2017.
3.     Attended workshop on ‘SPSS IN Commerce and Management Research’ organised by Department commerce A.P.C.Mahalaxmi college for women on 29.12.2016 and 30.12.2016.
4.     Attended workshop on ‘National Disaster Management Authority of India & First Aid conducted by the Centre for Disater management & Awareness’ Organised by Anti – Ragging Cell in A.P.C Mahalaxmi College for Women on 14.12. 2017.
Role in the Department
1.     I yr Class in charge
2.     Maintains Add on course register and Bridge course
3.     Coaching class.
4.     Alumne Register, meeting etc.
5.     Computer work.
6.     Freshers Test
7.     I yr Bio- data
8.     Report for all events.
9.     Criterion VI & VII
10.                        Internal Question Paper. 

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